‘Strive to grow, value, nurture, motivate’

Class 5RS 2024-2025

Miss Semple

What are we doing this year?

Look below to see some of the topics we will be covering this year. You can view the full curriculum on the curriculum page.  

  • Rivers

  • The Highwayman

  • Life Cycles

  • Architecture

  • Earth, Moon and Sun

  • Towers

  • The Anglo Saxons

  • Shakespeare

  • The Maya

  • Spanish!

These are just some of the exciting topics we will be exploring this year. 

Things to remember....

  • Homework is now set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. There will be a maths and English task each week.

  • We have PE on Monday and Wednesday. Children will need to bring their PE kits and trainers into school on these days.

  • When you receive your instrument, bring it to school on THURSDAYS. If you forget it, you will miss your lesson.

  • Keep practising your instrument: 5 or 10 minutes per day is better than practising for one full hour per week. Here is a link to help you: https://sway.office.com/cHDEI1lmOaFcBdhZ?ref=Link

  • Remember to visit Times Table Rockstars regularly to keep practising your maths skills! If you are unsure of your log in be sure to ask!

Middlewich Primary School

Park Road, Middlewich, Cheshire CW10 9BS

Mrs B Stephens

Tel: 01606 652321Email: [email protected]

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