‘Strive to grow, value, nurture, motivate’


Why is attendance so important?

Every child has a right to education and to have the best possible life chances. By attending school daily and on time they learn the importance of commitment and being punctual. Many people think that the odd day off here and there does not matter, but even these odd days can have an impact on a child's learning. Learning about any topic does not happen all in one day, therefore when a child returns to school the class may be continuing their learning from the day before which will put the absent child at an immediate disadvantage. At the time of school assessment, it will be hard for children to achieve their best results if there are gaps in their learning. Not being at school regularly also has a negative effect on the social aspects of school. It is hard for children to build and maintain good friendships if they are not in school regularly.

What does good school attendance look like?

Good school attendance is coming to school every day and on time. We understand that from time to time, children have illnesses and are too unwell for school. Attendance of 97%+ is what we consider to be good attendance.

Is my child well enough to attend school?

We understand that children do become unwell. However, not all illnesses require time off from school. Please see the information below which has been taken from the NHS website. If your child seems to be a bit ‘under the weather’ and you are unsure as to whether they should come to school, we recommend that you do send them in. If needed, we will contact you. We almost always find children perk up and do manage to complete the day.

Expectations: Providing reasons for absence

Please remember when phoning or emailing when your child who is off school, we require an actual reason for the absence. For example, to report as ‘unwell’ is not sufficient detail. Please remember to provide your child’s full name and class as well. Please make sure you have contacted the school by 9.00am if your child is going to be absent. If we do not hear from you by 9.30am, we will ring or text to ask why your child is not in school.

Medical Appointments

We request that, where possible, routine medical and dentist appointments are arranged outside of school hours as these appointments will affect your child’s percentage attendance. We do understand that some appointments, such as hospital consultations, are not always possible to arrange outside of school hours. However, if your appointment time allows your child to come to school for registration and then leave, this will have a positive impact on their attendance figure. Similarly, if they are able to be back in school for afternoon registration - 12.45pm – Key stage 2, 1.15pm – Key stage 1 and Reception this will also have a positive impact.

Holiday and absence during school time

Absence will not be authorised during term time except in exceptional circumstances. It is very important that all parents and carers understand that children with unauthorised absences, including holidays, and unexplained absences are at risk of receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) from Cheshire East Council.

A FPN is issued per parent, per child. A Leave of Absence form must be completed if you expect your child to be absent from school. These can be obtained from outside the school office or you can email the office and an electronic form will be emailed to you. If you do not complete a form and we have reason to believe your child is absent due to a reason which would not be authorised (a family holiday, for example) the school is able to issue an unauthorised absence. This may result in a FPN being issued.

Punctuality Matters

Arriving on time for school is important as late arrivals are disruptive for the class and can be embarrassing for the child who is late. Children can also miss important information during registration including the plan for the day. School starts at 8.45am with the classroom doors being open at 8.40am. Any children arriving at school after 8.45am will be marked as “late” (L) and after 9.10am will be marked as “late after registration closes.’ This will then be recorded as an unauthorised absence. This may result in an FPN being issued.

We understand that school mornings can be hectic, but … Did you know? Being 15 minutes late each day is the same as missing two weeks of school.

For Cheshire East Attendance and children out of education: Cheshire East Attendance and children out of school

Attendance and Children out of School Team
Floor 5
Delamere House
c/o Municipal Buildings
Earle Street

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please contact Mrs Bertoni

Middlewich Primary School

Park Road, Middlewich, Cheshire CW10 9BS

Mrs B Stephens

Tel: 01606 652321Email: [email protected]

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