Class 1W 2024-2025
Mrs Waine
Welcome to 1W's class page. This webpage allows you to see what we will be learning this year and keep up with any information. We are so excited to spend our year working hard and having fun together! Please look through our page to find out what we will be doing this year. We are looking forward to updating our gallery to show you what we have been up to and the work that we are proud of.
Links to phonics revision videos can be found towards the bottom of the class page.
What are we doing this year?
Look below to see some of the topics we will be covering this year. You can view the full curriculum on the curriculum page.
Julia Donaldson stories
Exploring spirals
Finding out about our local area
Online safety
Grouping and sorting on computers
Queen Victoria
The nativity
And many more!
What a lot of exciting topics we have to cover this year! We'll certainly be kept busy in Year 1.
Things to remember...
PE is on a Wednesday and a Friday. Children will need to bring their P.E. kits and trainers into school on these days and any long hair must be tied back.
Reading packs will be sent home on a Friday, to be returned on a Thursday. These will include one Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonically regular book and one 'sharing book' that your child can enjoy with adult support.
Homework will also be sent home on a Friday, to be completed and then returned on a Thursday.
Bring a water bottle to school every day to keep hydrated.