Class 3R 2024-2025
Miss Roberts
This webpage allows you to see what we will be learning this year. Please look through the gallery items to see the work we are really proud of.
What are we doing this year?
Look below to see some of the topics we will be covering this year. You can view the full curriculum on the curriculum page.
Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
Ancient Civilisations
Rock, Soils and Fossils
The Lake District (Cumbria)
Beatrix Potter
Motorised Vehicles
Food Technology (apple crumble and bread making)
Landscapes (Georgia O'Keefe)
Judaism (The Synagogue)
Christianity (Incarnation and Salvation)
Music with Miss Pointon
Things to remember...
Swimming on a Tuesday. Children will need to bring their swimming kit on this day.
P.E is on a Friday. Children will need to bring their P.E kits and trainers into school on these days.
Read to an adult as often as possible - every night is fantastic. Keep reading regularly at home. 5 or 10 minutes per day is better than practising for one hour on one day. Please remember to bring your reading books in every day.