‘Strive to grow, value, nurture, motivate’

Full Governing Board

All state schools are overseen by a governing body. Governors help to make decisions about how the school is run. Governors are appointed to help to monitor what is taught, standards of behaviour, interview and select staff and decide how the school budget is spent. School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, they cannot act individually. The Headteacher is in charge of the day to day running of the school.

The governors of the full governing body meets once a term. There are also a number of committees - The Safeguarding, Finance & Staffing Commitee (SFSC), Pupil Welfare, Curriculum and Partnerships Committee (PWCP) and Pay Committee - which also meet once per term. These committees provide reports and recommendations to the full governing body. 

The membership of the governing board is drawn from representatives of the local authority, teaching and non-teaching staff, and parents who are elected. A proportion of the governors are co-opted, these are called Community Governors.


Please find the minutes for the most recent Full Governors Meetings below. 


Middlewich Primary School

Park Road, Middlewich, Cheshire CW10 9BS

Mrs B Stephens

Tel: 01606 652321Email: [email protected]

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